100 Fun + Productive Things to Do When Bored
In this post, I’ve curated 100 fun and productive things to do when bored: Positive boredom busters to fight off boredom in your life forever!
Being bored is the worst! Am I right?!
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Boredom is the Worst.
When I was young, I quickly realized that boredom, or the state of being bored, was the worst emotion on the planet.
Fast forward about 50+ years, and here’s the truth- I never get bored. Never.
I consider it a superpower.
I never experience boredom because I’ve learned that boredom is an emotion that I do not want to experience.
I’ve designed my life so that I’ve eliminated boredom.
And that, my friends, is the goal of this article. I want to share my secret sauce with you.
Let’s Kick Boredom to the Curb.
I want to help you eliminate boredom from your life so that you will never utter the words “I’m bored” again.
So if you want to kick boredom to the curb forever and you are down for the ride, then buckle up.
And let’s roll.
What is Boredom Anyway?
According to WebMD, Boredom is an emotion or signal that lets you know that you are doing something that doesn’t give you satisfaction.
Boredom could tell you two things: that you are not fully present and engaged in your current task or that your task is not meaningful to you.
I couldn’t agree more. Boredom isn’t just about having nothing to do. It’s about NOT enjoying what you are doing.
If you feel bored, it’s a clear sign from the universe that you should be doing something different.
In my book, doing something productive, fun, and lights you up is the best cure for boredom.
What Lights You Up?!
So let me ask you a question: what lights you up? What makes you feel alive?
What are your gifts and talents? We all have them.
What are your dreams?
Do you wish you could play the guitar or speak a second language?
Do you love to cook and secretly dream of being a chef? Do you have a beautiful singing voice but only sing in the shower?
You get the idea of where I’m going with this.
How Will You Live this One Precious Life?
And, to quote the words of Mary Oliver, โWhat is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?โ ~ Mary Oliver
How will you spend your precious life?
Because that’s what we are all doing. Spending time. And time, my friends is a non-renewable resource.
I know, deep thoughts.
Hang with me.
Positive Role Models.
Bear with me a second while I give credit where credit is due.
I didn’t learn this superpower all on my own. I was lucky enough to have a few positive role models in my life.
My Grandmother was a go-getter. A doer, if you will.
She always had about a hundred balls up in the air. She always had things to do.
My Grandmother had endless interests and hobbies. She was always curious and open to learning new things.
As such, she was exceedingly talented at many different things and lived a very adventurous life, which I always admired.
Idle Hands are the Devil’s Workshop
I vividly remember the day like it was yesterday. Riding along with my Grandmother in her little VW bug. Chewing spearmint gum. Singing to the radio. Those were the days.
On this particular Southern California Saturday, as we pulled up and parked at a local nursery, she pulled the emergency brake, smiled, and said, “it’s a beautiful- busy day and a perfect day to plant flowers”!
As we browsed through colorful, fragrant rows of spring flowers, she said, “You know Chrissy, idle hands are the devil’s workshop. Did you know that?”
I had never heard that before. But it struck a cord. It resonated with me.
I later learned my grandmother was quoting the Bible passage, Proverbs 16:27-29.
You can determine what that quote means for yourself, but from my ten-year-old perspective, it was clear that being busy was good and being lazy or bored sitting around doing nothing was bad.
And since I already knew that boredom was the worst thing on the planet, I couldn’t agree more.
How to Avoid Boredom
One trick to avoiding boredom is setting yourself up for success.
This means you will have to create a boredom-busting game plan before you ever have the chance to become bored.
Boredom busters can be hobbies, goals, projects, and even productive chores.
100 Fun and Productive Things to Do When Bored
Ok. Now that I’ve laid some groundwork for you and you understand how I have become a self-proclaimed boredom-busting superhero- let’s get to the nitty-gritty.
The following list of productive AND fun things to do when bored should help you come up with some ideas on how never to experience boredom again!
1. Tidy Up When You’re Bored.
No matter where you are, this is always my go-to thing when I need something to do with myself.
When in doubt, tidy up.
If you are bored, the first thing on my list of productive things to do when bored is to clean up your space.
Tidy things up! Whether it’s your office, your bedroom, or an entire house!
My Grandmother used to say, “If your house is dirty, you’ve got no excuse to be bored,” and I believe she was right.
2. Organize Your Closets.
When bored at home, one of the most productive things you can do is to clean and organize your closets.
It’s surprising just how much stuff we accumulate over the years.
Simplifying and organizing closets is not only a productive chore to do with your time but also liberating!
3. Wash Your Car + Detail Your Car
Sure, you could take your car to the car wash, which is a great way out of the house.
But, you could also handwash and detail your car yourself at home! Come on; it’s fun!
I love cleaning my car. It feels good to do it myself, and the results are much better than if you take it to the carwash.
Good clean fun!
4. Clean Your Garage
I know what you’re thinking. When bored, this may be productive, but it sure doesn’t sound like fun.
It’s all about mindset. Being productive can be fun!
At the end of the day, cleaning out the garage is very rewarding!
5. Conquer Your Email
Here’s a productive thing to do when bored at home or at work that doesn’t take much time.
Responding to necessary emails, deleting junk emails, and organizing your email files may sound like a pain in the neck, but it is a necessary evil.
6. Unsubscribe to Email Lists
While dealing with your email, don’t forget to unsubscribe to the unwanted emails you are receiving that clog up your inbox and waste precious time.
7. Tidy up Computer Files
Organizing your computer files is a great activity to do when bored!
There’s nothing worse than an unorganized laptop. You know, photographs everywhere, files everywhere, receipts and recipes everywhere! UGH.
8. Read a Novel
There’s nothing like cuddling up on the couch or in your favorite chair and getting lost in a novel.
If you’re feeling bored and it’s been a while since you’ve cracked a good book, this is your friendly reminder. why not look for a book right now? Today!
Browse the top novels in 2024 here.
9. Listen to a podcast
Podcasts are all the rage these days, and for good reason!
With literally thousands of podcasts available, there is something for everyone, and the great news podcast is 100% free!
The great thing about listening to a podcast is you can listen while multitasking, which is beautiful.
10. Meditate
Meditation has changed my life for the better! Meditating and practicing mindfulness can be a game changer.
Meditation is a fantastic boredom buster and an invaluable self-care practice.
I think the best way to learn how to meditate is to use a meditation app.
You can read my articles, the best self-care apps, and the benefits of daily meditation that you may find helpful if you are interested in learning more.
11. Try Journaling
Journaling is a fantastic self-care tool for your self-care toolbox and a wonderful thing to do when you’ve got some extra time on your hands.
There are many kinds of journaling.
- Art Journaling
- Morning Pages journaling
- Gratitude Journaling
- Dream Life Journaling
If you’re feeling restless or bored, I suggest you try dream life journaling.
Dream life journaling is just what it sounds like. You journal about what your dream life looks like.
You can learn more about dream life journaling here.
12. Take a Walk.
I know it might sound silly, but if you’re bored, it’ll do you good to go outside, get some fresh air, and take a walk.
Walking will clear your head, and the exercise will also do your body good. And who knows?
Over time, a daily walk could become a habit.
13. Practice Yoga
It’s been said that yoga is not for the flexible but for the willing. (I love that)
If you want something to conquer boredom in your life, I highly recommend trying yoga.
And today is the perfect day to start!
You can jump on YouTube, find hundreds of yogis, and start practicing yoga immediately.
My favorite YouTube yogi is YOGA WITH ADRIENE you can find her YouTube channel here.
14. Clean Out and Organize Your Refrigerator
Cleaning and organizing the refrigerator is a great boredom buster!
Once I’ve got my fridge all clean and neat, I usually reward myself by ordering some yummy, healthy food from Amazon Fresh or InstaCart.
I love that my order usually arrives at my doorstep within a few hours.
15. Organize the pantry
Ever had pantry envy? Yep, me too.
If you’re bored at home for whatever reason, why not tackle your pantry?
Make it your mission.
There are a ton, and I do mean a TON, of pantry organization containers and such to help you put everything in its place.
Need some inspiration? Check out my Pantry love Pinterest board.
16. Volunteer your time
Whether bored or not, volunteering your time is always a good idea.
When we volunteer her time to help others, it just feels good. There are a lot of ways you can volunteer your time. The possibilities are endless!
Click here for volunteer opportunities near you.
17. Brain Games
Brain games like Scrabble, sudoku, cryptograms, and crossword puzzles are fun when bored and good for your brain!
My favorite brain game is Wordle.
Wordle is a fun game on the New York Times website daily. And it’s FREE! With no app to download.
I play Wordle every single day.
It’s become part of my morning routine, and I love it.
18. Watch an old movie
I love old movies. It’s always fun to cuddle up and watch an old favorite.
What about Rocky or the original A Star is born? Or Jaws? We did try Jaws not that long ago but couldn’t hang. Maybe it’s time for a remake?
One all-time favorite movie is Forrest Gump. I’ve seen it at least ten times over the years.
What about you? What’s your favorite movie of all time?
19. Call a Friend
Next time you feel a little bored and have extra time on your hands, why not pick up the phone and call an old friend?
There’s nothing better than having a good chat and catching up with a good friend.
Keeping in touch with friends lifts our spirits and strengthens relationships which are priceless in my book.
20. Organize Your Desk
Having an organized desk and workspace will lead to higher productivity levels in the long run. during
21. Adopt a Pet
Adopting a pet is a great thing to do! Not only are you saving a life, but a pet adds so much love to a home. I don’t know what life would be like without a dog. or three?! ๐
Learn more about how to adopt a pet here.
22. Do a face mask
Bored at home?
A productive thing to do at home is always self-care. You can always do self-care at home when bored, and that’s productive.
So, if you’re feeling bored and you don’t know what to do, go ahead and pamper yourself a little and do a face mask. Your skin will thank you!
23. Take a nice long bath
While we’re on self-care, why don’t you take it further and take a nice long bubble bath?
Don’t forget to light a candle or two and grab a good book, take your time, and relax.
Related: The Art of Bathing 10 Self-Care Bath Ideas
24. Cook something new
If you’re in a rut and need something productive to do at home, why not come up with something new to cook for dinner?!
25. Bake a cake
Why not? Baking a cake is not only a fun activity to do at home, and there’s cake! YAY!
26. Plant Flowers!
Living flowers are a gift that keeps on giving!
Planting flowers is one of my favorite things to do. Flowers can brighten up an entryway, patio, or any spot in your home or yard that needs some life!
You can plant flowers in pots or hanging baskets or go all out and create a full bed of flowers.
The possibilities are endless!
27. Organize and Digitize Old Photographs
Photographs are truly moments frozen in time forever.
If you have some extra time and are bored, why not organize and digitize old photographs?
This is a great resource about how to digitize old photographs to get you started.
28. Re-arrange the furniture
It turns out that rearranging your furniture is not only a productive thing to do when you are bored at home, but it will also elevate your mood!
According to Psychology Today,ย rearranging a room can elevate your mood, instilling satisfaction, effectiveness, creativity, and comfort.
It’s also a simple way to clear your mind; cleaning the room’s clutter while rearranging your furniture makes your mind feel at ease, grounded, and clearer.
29. Make a wreath for the front door
I love hanging a beautiful wreath on my front door all year. If you want to get crafty, consider making a wreath for your door yourself.
No matter the season, there are hundreds of beautiful ideas for front door wreaths on Pinterest to get you inspired!
If you don’t feel like you can make a treat yourself, then head to Pottery Barn, Crate&Barrel, or even Amazon to shop for seasonal wreaths.
30. Plan a vacation
Planning a vacation is so fun! I love browsing like Expedia and TripAdvisor for vacation inspiration.
31. Listen to an Audiobook
I love audiobooks! They are a great way to “read” a book while doing almost anything.
I don’t care what “they” say; Multi-tasking is still a thing. I’ve got an Audible membership through Amazon and love it!
32. Make a new playlist
If you’re looking for something to do, why not make a new playlist?!
You can create playlists on Spotify and get personal and customize them with the songs you listen to and love.
Watch this tutorial on how to make a playlist on Spotify
33. Delete toxic “friends” from your social media
Tidy up your friends on social media. Deleting old “friends” from social media can be so liberating!
34. Consider a Digital Detox
I know that breaking up with your phone when you’re bored sounds counterintuitive, but trust me on this one.
Committing to less screen time is one of the best things you can do for yourself, and I’ll tell you why:
- Less screen time equals more time to spend learning something new.
- A digital detox frees up time for other fun and productive activities.
- Gives your brain a much-needed rest from information overload.
- Helps with eyestrain caused by too much blue light.
- Lessons on the possibilities of suffering depression and anxiety due to comparison.
Related: The Benefits of a Digital Detox
35. Cultivate a Green Thumb.
I’ve heard it said that money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy plants, and that’s the same thing.
To date, I have 37 plants in my house. This might qualify me as a “crazy plant lady,” but I don’t care.
According to Psychology Today, cultivating a green thumb and nurturing plants is good for the soul, and I’ve found that true.
Plants make me happy, and maybe they’ll make you happy too.
36. Make some dog treats
I have the best recipe for homemade peanut butter dog treats that your dogs love!
So if you’re feeling bored at home and have a little extra time, why not whip up some treats for your fur babies!?
37. Delete old photos from your phone
Here’s a productive boredom buster for ya!
Spend some time deleting old photos from your phone! It feels good to go through your phone and delete all the photos.
You can even create folders for your photographs on your phone so that you are more organized and can find what you’re looking for easier.
Got an iPhone? Here’s a great tutorial on how to create photo albums on your phone!
And just think of all that cloud space you will save!
38. Delete un-used apps from your phone
As I mentioned, decluttering your phone is a great thing to do when you are bored.
And since you’ve already deleted your old photographs from your phone, why not delete unused apps?
I don’t know about you, but my apps were out of control. I just deleted over 15 apps from my phone that I never use!
Feels so good!
39. Clean out your bathroom drawers
when you’re bored at home, do yourself a solid and clean out your bathroom drawers!
cleaning out your bathroom drawers is liberating and will make your morning routine, as well as your bedtime routine, so much more pleasurable.
40. Take a road trip
Bored silly? Then why not plan a road trip!?
Road trips are a great way to get out of the house and explore the world around us.
Breaking up the daily routine and spending a few hours in the car to get out of the house and discover something new might be just what you need when you’re sitting around bored!
Check out this amazing resource! It’s a road trip planner!
I wish I would have thought of that! so cool.
41. Make a bucket-list
Next time you’ve nothing to do, why not sit down and make a bucket list!?
You can make a bucket list of things you want to do this fall or fun things you’d like to do in the summer?!
What about a list of fun things you and your partner can do as a couple?
Whether you are a thrill seeker or like to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground, there are endless bucket list ideas!
Related: 100 Fun Things to do this fall
42. Make a gratitude jar
Gratitude jars are a great tool to use to help us cultivate gratitude.
Making gratitude jars is a fun artsy-craftsy project to do with the kids. And Gratitude jars make great Thanksgiving gifts too!
43. Read a self-help book
I love self-development books. I just read Atomic Habits by James clear, and I can’t say enough about it! I only wish I had read it sooner!
If you are bored, maybe reading a self-help book is just what the doctor ordered.
Check out the Non-Fiction Best Sellers list for 2025 here.
. Here’s a quick list of some of my all-time favorite self-improvement books:
- Atomic Habits
- The Next Right Thing
- Big Magic
- The Year of Yes
- You are a Badass
- The Alchemist
- The Four Agreements
- Green Lights
- The Subtle art of not giving a f*ck
- Daring Greatly
- The Power of NOW
44. Go outside and soak up the sun
If you’re bored, go outside and soak up a little sunshine. The vitamin D and fresh air will do you some good.
And while your outside-you could:
- Pull a few weeds
- Pick up some dog poop
- Sweep the patio
- Water the plants
- Play with the dogs
- Deadhead some flowers
45. Take a much-needed nap
Raise your hand if you’ve discovered the awesome power of a good cat nap?!
If you are feeling restless or bored, maybe you are tired. Take a 30-minute cat nap and see if that helps!
46. Plan your next big adventure
If you’re looking for something fun to do, why not plan your next big adventure?
Life is too short to be bored. And planning your next big adventure can be almost as fun as the adventure itself!
So, what will you do on your next big adventure?
Maybe you’ll go on a hot air balloon ride?! Maybe you want to try bungee jumping, or maybe you want to take a trip around the world?!
Whatever it is, planning your next big adventure is a great boredom buster on a lazy “I’ve got nothing to do” afternoon!
47. Say, “I love you.”
Take the time to say I love you. Tell the ones you love and care about how you feel. Don’t ever miss an opportunity.
Carpe Diem! Seize the day!
48. Go get a mani-pedi
Maybe you need a little self-care? Or maybe your need to get out of the house? Either way, make yourself an appointment for a mani-pedi.
And why not bring a friend? Make an afternoon out of it!
49. Watch a documentary
Embrace knowledge!
The truth hurts. But sometimes itโs inspirational, scary, sad, funny or anywhere in between. Experience it all with the best documentary series and movies on Netflix.
A Few of My Favorites documentaries?
- Becoming: Join former First Lady Michelle Obama in an intimate documentary about her life, hopes, and connection with others.
- I’m not your guru: A feature documentary film about internationally renowned life and business strategist Tony Robbins.
- Rotten: This documentary travels deep into the heart of the food supply chain to reveal unsavory truths and expose hidden forces that shape what we eat.
Related articles:
- 100 Things to do this Fall
- 10 Self-Limiting Beliefs that hold you back
- Best Books about Find Purpose
- How to Find Your Purpose
- How to Write a Faith Statement
- ๏ปฟ100 Random Facts About Me (Just for Fun!)
- 100 Things to Put in Your Purse
- Bucket-list ideas for couples
- Best Herbs to Grow in Arizona + Growing Tips
- 100 Bucket List Ideas for Retirement
- 100 Fun things to do this Summer
- Best Inspirational Books for Women
- Life Essentials Every Woman Needs
- Best Self-care Ideas for Women
50. Visit a museum
Taking a trip to your local museum is always fun!
Our kids loved the childrenโs museum when they were young; it was always a sure bet for a fun afternoon.
If you ever find yourself in New York, donโt miss the American Museum of Natural History!
51. Try Dry-Brushing
I’ve been dry brushing for a few years now, and I highly recommend it! Brushing your skin adds about five minutes to your bath or shower routine but is well worth it.
Dry brushing is a way to use a dry brush to exfoliate your body. Exfoliating your skin is one of the best things you can do for your skin!
52. Update your wardrobe
I’m going to venture to say that I’m not alone here when I say my wardrobe took a hit during the pandemic.
I’ve got my morning pajamas, nighttime pajamas, and all loungewear for everywhere in between.
Needless to say, my wardrobe needs updating, and I’m working on it.
If you need help updating your wardrobe, I recommend you visit busbee.com. Erin Busbee is a talented stylist who specializes in styling women over 40.
53. Start a Planner
I still love an old-school yearly planner. I love planning my year, month, week, and days-writing it down and planning.
Making lists and planning my time helps me to process my goals and keep my schedule on track.
Organizing your life and making lists is a great activity to do daily.
How about you? Do you still love paper planners?
54. Plan a dinner party
Feeling restless and bored? Why not plan a dinner party?
Planning a dinner party is a fun and productive thing to do with your time. There is so much to planning a dinner party.
Not sure where to start?
Check out this article about how to plan a dinner party.
55. Have a picnic
Yes! I love a good picnic! Don’t you?
Having a picnic is a terrific boredom buster!
Here are a few tips when planning a picnic:
-Decide on a beautiful setting like a nearby park. Maybe somewhere is a view?
-Plan your menu. You can go as simple or as extravagant as you like.
-Consider a few extra touches like a picnic basket, blanket, and music.
-Bring some cards or maybe a backgammon game for entertainment.
56. Learn something new
Bored? Then you should think about learning something new or starting a new hobby!
Related: New a hobby? Fun Hobbies for Women and Fun Hobbies for Men
57. Go to the farmer’s market
Visiting the farmers market is a great boredom buster and the perfect activity to get you out of the house for fresh air and vitamin D!
Click here to find a farmers market near you.
58. Buy tickets to a comedy show
Maybe you need to get out for a fun night with some friends?! Visiting a comedy club is a great way to socialize; some laughter will do you good!
59. Paint a room a new color
If you are bored at home, here’s a fun idea!
Why not go to. the home improvement store, and pick a new color for your living room or bedroom. Painting a room is a great way to make a big impact for very little money.
Don’t have time to paint an entire room? What about painting an accent wall? A pop of color can make a big difference!
Check out this article: How to paint a room in a day to learn more.
60. Plant a tree
Planting a tree is always a good idea!
Trees are not only good for the environment, but trees also add beauty, increase the value of your home, provide cooling shade, and offer shelter for wildlife.
Learn how to plant a tree here.
If you want to learn more about how essential trees are to the world today and how you can help plant more trees, visit www.onetreeplanted.org to learn more.
61. Visit a new grocery store
Believe it or not, it’s a good idea to visit a new grocery store when you are bored.
Visiting a new store you aren’t familiar with will give you a fresh perspective on grocery shopping and food.
You will be surprised at the new things you discover at a new grocery store.
And if you’ve never visited a Trader Joe’s– Go!
Visiting your local Trader Joe’s is a surefire way to cure boredom, AND you will love it!
62. Watch cooking shows
Watching cooking shows is a great activity to do when bored at home. Cooking shows are not only inspiring, but they just might get your creative juices (and your taste buds) flowing!
There are so many fantastic cooking shows on TV these days; there is something for everyone!
This article, the ten best cooking shows on Netflix will point you in the right direction.
63. Write a card or a letter
If you need something to do, why not write a friend or family member a card or letter?
I don’t know about you, but I love receiving handwritten notes. And sadly, it doesn’t happen much these days.
With technology, handwritten notes and letters are seemingly a thing of the past. Unless you choose to keep
64. Invite a friend to coffee
If you need something to do, why not pick up the phone and invite a friend to coffee? I love meeting a girlfriend for a quick coffee to catch up.
It’s a great way to get out of the house and to nurture friendships at the same time.
If you’re having fun and have more time, why not go shopping or take a movie?
65. Learn to play chess
If youโre bored and need something to do, why not try your hand at chess?
Chess is a challenging and rewarding game you can enjoy for years! All you need is a chess board and the desire to learn and play!
Or, you can download a chess app and play it on your phone.
Many resources are available to help you get started, including online tutorials and local chess clubs.
66. Change your hair
Maybe it’s time for a change?
If you think you may want to change your hairstyle, it’s a good idea to do some research to get some inspiration.
Pinterest is a good place to start for hairstyle ideas.
Good luck!
67. Get Crafty
If you are bored, then I suggest you get crafty!
The possibilities are endless when it comes to being creative.
You can try painting, sewing, candle-making, or even stained glass. You can DIY something functional for your home or learn to knit.
As I said, the possibilities are truly endless!
Don’t know where to start?
Hop on Pinterest or get out of the house and browse a craft store near you to find inspiration.
Related: How to Make Pinecone Birdfeeders
68. Update your contacts
I know this may not sound exciting, but it’s nice to go through your contacts and delete old ones you no longer need.
If it’s been a while, you may be surprised at all the old contacts that can be deleted.
I also update contact information, including photos, birthdays, social media accounts, etc.
If you are REALLY bored, assign a special ringtone for each family member and close friend. ๐
Here’s a tutorial: apple | android
69. Update your voicemail message
I am shocked by the number of people who don’t even set up voicemails on their phones! What?!
That said, if your bored-consider setting up your voice mailbox o you can update your old voicemail recording.
TIP: I once heard a trick to recording a friendly and welcoming voicemail message is to smile while you are recording the message.
I tried it, and you know what, it works! Give it a try!
70. Update your Bio and profile photo on social media
When was the last time you updated your bio and/or profile photo on your social media accounts?
71. Check your credit score
It’s a good idea to check your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus: Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax, at least once a year.
72. Make Homemade Bread
Making homemade bread at home is fun, and there is nothing like the smell of homemade bread baking in the oven! YUM!
This is a great recipe for homemade bread if you’d like to try it.
73. Go visit a friend
Life is short. Spend it with the ones you love.
We have friends all over the USA! And it’s always so fun when they visit us, or we visit them…But you’ve to do it on purpose, or time gets away from ya!
We love visiting friends so much that we are considering buying an RV to travel all over the USA, and we’ll visit old friends and make new friends along the way!
74. Make health appointments
If you’re like me, you may have a few health appointments that you need to make.
After 2020 and 2021, I was behind on all my screenings, doctors, and dental appointments.
Heck! even my dogs were behind on their shots!
75. Get your passport
If you don’t have your passport, then please get one!
You never know when you will have the opportunity to travel outside the country, so you want to be ready!
Already have your passport? Do yourself a favor and double-check to make sure it hasn’t expired.
You can apply for a passport here.
76. Make a living trust
Having a last will and testament drawn and/or living trust is important. No one wants to think about dying or becoming ill, but it’s part of life.
Having our legal affairs in order is something we do for our children and the ones we love.
And to avoid unpleasant things like having your estate go into probate.
You can either make an appointment with an attorney that specializes in estate planning, or you can hop online and check to see if it’s something that you can do yourself online.
77. Have a Garage Sale
A garage sale is the best way to declutter and make a few extra bucks while at it!
Having a garage sale is pretty straightforward.
I wrote an article about how to have a successful garage sale if you want to learn more.
78. Buy yourself something new
When you’re feeling bored, just bored for the day, or maybe you’re even bored of life in general, it’s a good idea to treat yourself to something new.
Maybe you should shop for some new jeans or some new shoes or maybe some new workout clothes would be a good idea. Whatever it is, go ahead and treat yourself to something new; it’ll live in your spirits and cure boredom at least for a little while.
79. Learn to Play an Instrument.
Why not? Learning to play an instrument is a surefire way to avoid boredom.
80. Start a New Skincare Routine
Having a solid and consistent skincare routine takes a bit of time and effort but is well worth investing time in.
Taking good care of your skin will show almost instant results and will continue to pay off for years and years to come!
Want to age gracefully? Learn here.
81. Bored? Why not Paint Rocks?!
Painting rocks is a fun and creative activity to do anytime and a great boredom buster!
Our family has been painting rocks for years and years. It’s so much fun!
If you’re interested in painting rocks, check out my post: Painting rocks with acrylic paint.
And don’t forget YOU ROCK! (get it?) ๐
82. Organize your Jewelry box
True confessions. My jewelry box is a hot mess right now.
I’ve got a “jewelry box” on my to-do list. I can’t wait to buy a new jewelry box and organize everything in one place.
Need to organize your jewelry? Check out these awesome jewelry organization solutions.
83. Balance your checking account
Balancing your checkbook may not sound like fun when you are bored, but having your finances in order is a good idea.
84. Go hiking
Bored? Take a hike! Hiking is a fun activity the whole family can enjoy.
Here are a few hiking tips to get you started:
- Plan your hiking trail ahead of time
- pack plenty of water and protein-rich snacks
- Wear Sunscreen and a hat
- Make sure you are wearing good hiking shoes
- Tell someone where you are going and when you plan to be back
85. Make a vision board
Making a vision board is a really fun project and a great way to put your dreams into a visual form.
Having a vision board with your hopes, dreams, and goals hanging somewhere where you see a daily can be very motivational.
Related: How to Make a Vision Board
86. Try Morning pages journaling
I first learned about morning pages journaling after I read the book the artist way by Julia Cameron.
I love morning pages journaling so much that I wrote an article about starting morning pages journaling in just seven easy steps!
Related: Morning Pages Journaling in 7-Easy Steps
87. Hang a wind chime
Random, I know! But hey, I love windchimes!
There are so many beautiful windchimes that make different sounds. Or, if you’re feeling crafty, why not spend the time and make a wind chime?
There are some awesome tutorials on how to make a wind chime here.
88. Buy some blue light glasses
We all spend a lot of time in front of screens. With all the excessive screen time comes too much blue light exposure.
I highly suggest wearing blue light glasses to protect yourself from excessive blue light exposure.
Related: The Benefits of Wearing Blue Light Glasses
89. Start Composting
Composting is a great way to reduce your environmental impact, and it’s not as intimidating as you might think.
You can compost your food and yard waste at home, no matter where you live.
You can start by reading this article on how to start a compost at home.
90. Take a bike ride
I love riding my bike, and family bike rides are even more fun!
Cycling is a great way to spend time with your family and friends and to and get a ton of fresh air and exercise!
If you’re bored and you need something productive to do, cycling is a perfect choice!
91. What about a dance class?
If you’re bored and need to mix things up, why not sign up for a dance class?
There are so many different kinds of dancing; you can take a dance class yourself with your significant other or girlfriends!
92. Organize your file cabinet
If you’re like me, you’ve got a file cabinet somewhere in your house that’s a hot mess!
Get yourself some new file folders, grab a label maker, or buy one if you don’t have one (trust me, everyone needs a LabelMaker), and get busy!
You will probably find a ton of old paperwork you no longer need.
Don’t just throw it in the recycle bin; use a paper shredder and shred it!
You don’t want anyone up in your business or stealing your identity!
93. Have a mammogram
I’m sure it’s not news to you, but having an annual mammogram is the best way to detect breast cancer early!
Please, please, please make your appointment today and have a mammogram!
94. Start an affirmation wall
I talk a lot about positive affirmations around here.
Affirmations are positive statements or phases that can challenge and help us think more positively and overcome negative thoughts and self-talk.
When we fill our hearts, minds, and spirits with positive affirmations and honestly believe them, there is simply no room for negative, destructive thoughts.
So, when we practice positive affirmations of self-love in our lives, we are essentially changing our mindset, which, in turn, can change the trajectory of our lives.
Pretty cool, huh?!
Related: 100 Positive Morning Affirmations
95. Go to the movies
I don’t know about you, but I missed going to the movie Theater during the pandemic.
My husband and I love to go to the movies together on the weekend. What about you?
Do you like going to the movies? Well then, get out of the house and go! Maybe plan an entire night out!
Why not plan dinner, a movie, and ice cream on the way home (unless you eat too much popcorn!)
96. Buy some new linens.
When was the last time you bought yourself some new linen?
Maybe it’s time to update your bedding or your bathroom towels. Or what about a new throw or some new pillows?
I love, love, love me some pillows!
Updating your bedding can change the entire look of your room and maybe even lead to more redecorating ideas like painting or adding some new artwork.
97. Do a deep conditioning mask on your hair
If you’ve got a little extra time, put a deep conditioning mask on your hair. I usually deep condition my hair once a month or so because my hair is color-treated. ๐
My son is a hairstylist and recommends the Olaplex hair perfector for my blonde locks.
I like to deep condition my hair while soaking in the tub.
98. Start a jigsaw puzzle
Did you know that Jigsaw puzzles are also good for the brain?
Studies have shown that doing jigsaw puzzles can improve cognition and visual-spatial reasoning.
Putting the pieces of a puzzle together requires concentration and improves short-term memory and problem-solving!
Reason enough to do a jigsaw puzzle when you are bored!
99. Have a Karaoke night!
Plan a karaoke night with friends!
Planning a karaoke night with your friends can be a lot of fun. Itโs a great way to spend an evening, and it can be fun to belt out your favorite songs.
All you need is some friends, snacks and drinks, and Karaoke!
Here are some options:
- Rent or buy a karaoke machine
- Download a karaoke app to your laptop. Donโt forget you will also need compatible microphones. (get two, so you can sing duets!)
- Use a video gaming system, such as XBOX.
100. (Last but not least!) Plant a Vegetable Garden
I speak from experience when I say planting a vegetable garden can be a very rewarding experience.
I believe that gardening is great for the mind, body, and spirit, not to mention you are rewarded with beautiful vegetables, herbs, and flowers for your effort!
During the lockdown, I decided to plant two raised gardens. There was a bit of a learning curve, but I had a lot of extra time, so I thought, why not?
I plan on writing a few articles about gardening very soon, but until I do, I will include the steps I took when starting my garden.
How to start an organic raised bed vegetable garden: (What I did)
- I did a ton of Research online: how to start a raised vegetable garden and How to start an organic vegetable garden.
- I purchase raised garden bed kits online. But you can make them yourself.
- I visited Home Depot’s garden department, which had irrigation supplies, organic soil, and plants.
- I assembled the garden beds, hooked up irrigation, added soil, and planted my little heart.
Related: How to Start a Raised Garden Bed
100 Fun +Productive Things to Do When You’re Bored
Look at that! There are so many productive things to do when bored! What are you going to do next time you feel bored?
Please leave a comment below.
Until next time,
XO, Christine
I’ve been keeping it real since 1963. ๐
I’m a child of God, a wifey, mama, grandma, full-time creative, domestic engineer, and self-care enthusiast.
I am obsessed with all things makeup and skincare and love getting my hands dirty out in the garden, my art room, or in the kitchen, whipping up something yummy for the fam.
Iโm always down to chat and love collaborating with other creatives and brands alike!
Feel free to reach out anytime!
These are some great ideas. Iโll refer back to this when Iโm feeling lazy !
So many good ideas! Reading, cleaning, playing a game are some I like to do when I’m bored!
Love these! Great ideas and I love the way you write about each one ๐