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When to Plant Roses in Arizona + Best Rose Growing Tips

In this article, I’m covering when to plant roses in Arizona along with the best rose-growing tips, including what types of roses do the best in Arizona, how to select the right location, how to plant your new roses, and more!

Roses are a beautiful addition to any garden, and if you live in Arizona, you may be wondering when is the best time to plant them.

Understanding when to plant roses in Arizona is essential for their success, as the state’s unique climate and soil conditions can impact their growth and blooming.

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting, read on to learn everything you need to know about planting a beautiful rose garden in Arizona.

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when to plant roses in arizona

When to Plant Roses in Arizona

Knowing when to plant roses in Arizona depends on the location that you live in. It’s essential to consider the specific climate conditions in your area.

By planting appropriately and ensuring proper soil preparation, you can give your roses the best chance for healthy growth and vibrant blooms in Arizona’s unique climate.

Understanding Arizona’s Climate and Planting Zones

Knowing the best time to plant roses in Arizona is crucial to ensure successful growth and blooming. Arizona is divided into five climate zones and has thirteen planting zones.

when to plant roses in arizona

Arizona Climate Zones

Arizona has diverse geography and climate, ranging from desert valleys to mountain ranges.

The state is divided into five climate zones with unique characteristics and gardening and agriculture challenges.

Low Desert

The low desert region covers much southern and central Arizona, including Phoenix, Tucson, and Yuma. This region is characterized by hot summer heat, mild winters, and low rainfall.

The soil is typically sandy and alkaline, which can be challenging for gardening.

Upper Sonoran Desert

The upper Sonoran zone includes the high desert areas of northern and central Arizona, including Flagstaff and Sedona.

This region has cold winters, hot summers, and low to moderate rainfall. The soil is typically sandy and rocky, with low fertility.

Transition Zone

The transition zone is a narrow band that runs through central Arizona, including Prescott and Payson.

This region is characterized by a mix of desert and mountain climates, with mild winters and moderate summers. The soil is typically rocky and well-draining.

High Desert

The high desert region covers the northeastern corner of Arizona, including Holbrook.

This region is characterized by cold winters, hot summers, and low rainfall.

The soil is typically rocky and well-draining.

Colorado Plateau

The Colorado Plateau region covers the northwestern corner of Arizona, including Kingman.

This region has cool winters, hot summers, and moderate rainfall. The soil is typically rocky and well-draining.

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Arizona Planting zones

Arizona is divided into 13 different planting zones, determined by temperature, elevation, and precipitation. These zones range from 5a in the northern mountains to 10a in the southern deserts.

Each zone has unique climate and soil conditions, which can impact the types of plants that will grow successfully.

The lower elevation zones in southern Arizona, or the desert southwest, are known for their dry and hot desert heat.

In comparison, the higher elevation zones in northern Arizona are more relaxed and humid.

To determine your planting zone, you can use this interactive USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map, which provides a detailed breakdown of planting zones throughout the United States.

This information can help you select the right plants for your garden and determine the best time of year to plant.

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When to Plant Roses in Arizona (Based on Planting Zone)

Zone 5a-6b: If you live in this zone, it’s best to plant your rose bushes in late spring to early summer.

The weather is warm enough for the roses to grow and establish their roots before the cold winter months.

Zone 7a-8b: In this planting zone, the ideal time to plant new roses is during the fall or early spring.

Planting in the fall allows the roses to establish their roots before the cold winter months while planting in early spring ensures they have enough time to grow and bloom before the hot summer arrives.

Zone 9a-10a: If you live in this zone, it’s a good idea to plant in the fall or early winter.

The weather is more relaxed during these months, which allows the roses to establish their roots without being stressed by the extreme heat of summer.

It’s important to note that these guidelines are just general recommendations. Consider the specific microclimate in your garden, and adjust your planting time accordingly.

Related article: How to Start a Raised Garden Bed Arizona Style!

planting roses in arizona in a raised garden bed

The Right Location to Plant Roses in Arizona

Now that I’ve outlined Arizona’s climate areas and planting zones let’s go over how to choose the best location to plant roses in Arizona.

Generally, it’s best to plant roses in an area that receives 6 hours of sunlight per day, has good air circulation, and has well-draining soil with good fertility.

The best locations to plant roses in Arizona, based on planting zones:

Zone 5a-6b: Plant roses in an area that receives direct sunlight or partial shade.

Amend the soil and make sure it drains well. Consider planting near a wall or structure that can provide some protection from cold winter winds.

Zone 7a-8b: Choose a location that receives full sun or partial shade.

Plant roses in an area with good air circulation to prevent fungal diseases. Make sure that the soil is rich and drains well.

Consider planting near a south-facing wall for some winter protection.

Zone 9a-10a: Choose a location that receives morning sun and afternoon shade to protect the roses from the intense afternoon heat.

Ensure that you amend the soil with proper nutrients and consider planting near a wall or structure that can provide some protection from intense heat and sun in warmer months.

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Preparing The Soil for Planting Roses in Arizona

The soil in Arizona can be pretty alkaline, making it difficult for roses to thrive.

For best results, take the time to prepare and amend the soil before planting roses in Arizona.

To prepare the ground, mix in organic matter such as compost or manure to help lower the pH levels. Additionally, add a layer of mulch around the base of the rose plant to help retain moisture in the soil.

How to prepare the soil when planting roses in Arizona.

Test the Soil pH

The first step in preparing the soil for roses is to test the pH level.

Arizona’s alkaline soil can be challenging for plants, including roses, which prefer slightly acidic soil. A pH level of around 6.0 to 6.5 is ideal for growing roses.

You can purchase a soil testing kit or take the soil to a local gardening store.

Amend the Soil

Once you know your soil’s pH level, you can amend it to create the right environment for your roses. For example, add sulfur or peat moss to lower the pH if your soil is too alkaline.

If your soil is too acidic, add lime to raise the pH.

Improve Drainage

Roses need well-draining soil to thrive, so improving drainage is essential.

To improve drainage and nutrient content, you can amend the soil with compost, perlite, vermiculite, or organic matter.

Add Organic Matter

Adding organic matter can help improve soil structure and nutrient content. Compost, aged manure, or leaf mold are all good options for adding organic matter to the soil.

Dig a Proper Hole

When planting roses in Arizona, digging a proper hole is essential.

The hole should be twice as wide as the root ball and deep enough to accommodate the entire root system. Mix some amended soil with the native soil to backfill the hole.

when to plant roses in arizona

Tips for Planting Roses in Arizona

Once you have picked the perfect spot and prepared the soil, it’s time to start planting your roses in Arizona.

Soak the Roots

Before planting, it’s essential to soak the roots of the rose plant in a bucket of water for at least an hour. This will help to prevent the roots from drying out and promote healthy growth.

Dig the planting hole.

Dig a deep and wide hole to accommodate the rose plant’s root system. Mix some amended soil with the native soil to backfill the hole.

Add Fertilizer

Add a slow-release fertilizer to the bottom of the hole before planting the rose. This will help to promote healthy growth and strong roots.

Planting the Rose

Place the rose plant in the hole and backfill it with the amended soil mixture.

Ensure the plant is planted at the same depth as in the container. Tamp down the soil gently to remove any air pockets.

Water Thoroughly After Planting

Water the plant thoroughly after planting to help settle the soil and promote root growth. Water the plant regularly, ensuring the ground stays moist but not soggy.

Mulch the Soil After Planting

Add a mulch layer around the rose plant’s base to help retain moisture and regulate soil temperature. This will also help to prevent weed growth around the plant.

Prune the Plant if Needed

Prune the plant by removing dead or damaged branches and branches that cross over each other. This will help to promote healthy growth and shape the plant.

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Caring for Roses in Arizona

Once your roses are planted, caring for them properly is essential to ensure they thrive in Arizona’s unique climate.

Here are some tips for caring for your roses in Arizona:

Once you have planted your roses in Arizona, caring for them properly is essential to ensure their success.

Arizona’s unique climate and soil conditions can make it challenging to grow roses, but with the proper care, your roses can thrive.

Watering Roses in Arizona

Roses require regular watering, especially in Arizona’s hot and dry climate.

Water deeply and thoroughly once or twice a week, soaking the entire root system. Avoid getting water on the leaves or flowers, which can burn the leaves and lead to disease.

Fertilizing Roses in Arizona

Fertilize your roses with a balanced fertilizer every four to six weeks during the growing season. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application rates and timing.

Mulching in Arizona

Keep a layer of mulch around the rose plant’s base to help retain moisture and regulate soil temperature. This will also help to prevent weed growth around the plant.


Prune the plant by removing dead or damaged branches and branches that cross over each other.

This will help to promote healthy growth and shape the plant. Prune in the late winter or early spring before new growth appears.

Pest and Disease Control

inspect your roses regularly for pests and diseases. Common problems in Arizona include aphids, spider mites, and thrips.

Common diseases include powdery mildew and black spot. Use insecticidal soap or neem oil to control pests and fungicides to control diseases.

Winter Protection

Protect your roses from freezing temperatures in the winter by covering them with burlap or frost cloth. Water the plant deeply before covering it to prevent dehydration.

when to plant roses in arizona

The Best Fertilizer for Arizona Roses

When it comes to choosing a fertilizer for roses in Arizona, there are many options available.

Here are a few great fertilizers for Arizona roses

Liquid seaweed fertilizer is popular among gardeners for its many benefits, including promoting plant growth, improving soil health, and increasing plant resistance to pests and diseases.

Liquid Seaweed Fertilizer for Roses

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Neptune’s Harvest Fish & Seaweed Fertilizer

Neptune’s Harvest Fish & Seaweed Plant Food is a highly-rated liquid fertilizer derived from the northern Atlantic.

It’s rich in micronutrients, minerals, and trace elements essential for plant growth and the health of roses, vegetables, and foliage.

Easy to mix and apply by hand, sprayer, or drip line

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Maxicrop Liquid Seaweed

Maxicrop Liquid Seaweed is a popular liquid seaweed fertilizer made from Norwegian kelp. It’s a concentrated formula that can be diluted for use on plants, lawns, and gardens.

It’s rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and trace elements like iron, magnesium, and zinc.

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GS Plant Foods Organic Liquid Kelp Fertilizer

GS Plant Foods Organic Liquid Kelp Fertilizer is a high-quality liquid seaweed fertilizer made from Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed. It’s organic and non-GMO, containing over 70 micronutrients, vitamins, and minerals essential for plant growth and health.

It’s also a great source of natural plant hormones, which can help increase root growth and flowering.

More Popular Rose Fertilizers

Espoma Rose-tone

Espoma Rose-tone is a popular fertilizer among rose growers. It’s an organic, slow-release fertilizer with a balanced ratio of nutrients (4-3-2) that is specifically formulated for roses.

It contains beneficial microbes and mycorrhizae that help improve soil health and plant growth.

Gardeners rave about the positive effects they’ve seen on their roses after using Espoma Rose-tone.

Jobe’s Organics Rose & Flower Fertilizer

Jobe’s Organics Rose & Flower Fertilizer is another popular organic option among rose growers.

It’s a granular fertilizer with a balanced ratio of nutrients (3-5-3) designed to promote healthy growth and vibrant blooms.

It also contains beneficial microbes that help improve soil health. Gardeners appreciate how easy it is to apply and how quickly they see results.

Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Rose Plant Food

Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Rose Plant Food is popular among gardeners who prefer synthetic fertilizers.

It’s a water-soluble fertilizer with a high ratio of nutrients (18-24-16) that is designed to promote fast and vigorous growth. It also contains micronutrients that are essential for healthy plant growth.

Gardeners appreciate how easy it is to use and how quickly they see results.

The Best Type of Roses to Plant In Arizona

Choosing the correct type of rose is essential for success. Some varieties of roses are better suited to Arizona’s hot, dry weather and alkaline soil than others.

The Best Roses to Plant in Arizona

Desert Roses

Desert roses, also known as the “Prairie rose,” are an excellent choice for Arizona gardens. They are well-adapted to the desert climate and can tolerate hot, dry weather and alkaline soil.

They also require less water than other types of roses and are drought-resistant.

Hybrid Tea Roses

Tea roses are a popular choice for Arizona gardens because they are heat-tolerant and have a long blooming season. They come in various colors and fill the air with a beautiful fragrance.

However, they require more water than other roses and may need shade during the hottest part of the day.

Shrub Roses

Shrub roses are another excellent choice for Arizona gardens. They are hardy, disease-resistant, and require less maintenance than other roses.

They also come in various colors and sizes, making them a versatile addition to any garden.

Miniature Roses

Miniature roses are good choices for container-grown roses. They are heat-tolerant and require less water than other types of roses.

They also come in various colors and sizes to choose the perfect one for your garden.

Knockout Roses

Knockout roses are an excellent choice for Arizona gardens because they are low-maintenance and disease-resistant.

They also bloom continuously throughout the growing season, providing a beautiful display of color in your garden.

Climbing Roses

Climbing roses are a beautiful and versatile addition to any garden in Arizona, adding height and dimension to fences, walls, and trellises.

My favorite climbing rose is the Lady Banks’ Rose.

English Roses

English Roses, also known as David Austin Roses, are famous for gardeners who love old-fashioned charm and fragrance.

These roses are bred to have the look and scent of classic roses but with the hardiness and disease resistance of modern varieties.

Bare Root Roses

Bare root roses are rose plants sold and shipped without soil or a container.

Instead, the roots are carefully packed in moist material to keep them hydrated during shipping.

Bare root plants are a popular choice among gardeners because they are typically less expensive than potted roses and are more accessible to

If you want to purchase roses in Arizona, look at your local gardening store or nursery or online retailers that offer a wide selection of roses.

The Best Place to Buy Roses in Arizona

Summer Winds Nursery

Summer Winds Nursery is a popular destination for gardeners in the Phoenix area, offering an excellent selection of roses.

Their section includes a range of varieties, including hybrid teas, floribundas, climbers, and shrub roses.

In addition to its wide selection of roses, Summer Winds Nursery offers expert advice and assistance to help you select the right plants for your garden.

Jackson and Perkins

Jackson and Perkins is an online retailer that specializes in roses. They offer a wide selection of hybrid tea, floribunda, shrub roses, and other plants and gardening supplies.

Their roses are shipped potted and come with detailed planting and care instructions. They also offer a satisfaction guarantee on all of their products.

If you’re looking for a wide variety of high-quality roses, Jackson and Perkins is an excellent online retailer. They offer wide rose varieties, including hybrid teas, floribundas, grandifloras, and climbers.

David Austin Roses

David Austin Roses is an online retailer specializing in the beautiful and unique type of rose with the same name.

Their website features a wide selection of David Austin roses, including popular varieties like ‘Heritage’, ‘Graham Thomas’, and ‘Jubilee Celebration’.

Each rose is accompanied by a detailed description and photos to help you choose the perfect one for your garden.

They also offer a variety of other plants, gardening supplies, and gift items.

Shop Roses on Amazon

Additional Resources for Planting Roses in Arizona

Click Here to find a rose society in your area.

FAQs: When to Plant Roses in Arizona:

Q: Can I plant roses in Arizona during the summer?

A: It’s generally not recommended to plant roses during the summer in Arizona due to the extreme heat. It’s best to wait until the fall or winter months to plant.

Q: Do I need to amend the soil before planting roses in Arizona?

A: Yes, amending the soil before planting is essential for the success of your roses. Adding compost, organic matter, and fertilizers can help improve soil fertility and drainage.

Q: Can I plant different types of roses together in the same area?

A: You can plant different types of roses together if they have similar growing requirements. However, give each plant enough space to grow and avoid overcrowding.

Q: What’s the best way to water roses in Arizona?

A: It’s best to water roses deeply and infrequently in Arizona rather than frequent shallow watering. Watering in the morning or evening can also help prevent evaporation and allow the water to penetrate the soil more effectively.

Q: How can I protect my roses from pests and diseases in Arizona?

A: Regularly inspecting your roses for signs of pests or diseases, and taking action quickly if you notice any issues, can help prevent infestations and diseases from spreading.

Using organic or natural pest control methods can also be effective, and maintaining good soil health can help prevent diseases from taking hold.

Q: When is the best time to prune roses in my Phoenix garden?

A: Pruning is an essential step for healthy, thriving roses. Late January is ideal for pruning as the rose plants go somewhat dormant.

when to Plant roses in arizona

Conclusion: When to Plant Roses in Arizona + How-to Tips

Planting roses in Arizona can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience with the right knowledge and preparation.

By understanding the best time to plant roses in Arizona based on planting zones, selecting the right location, preparing the soil properly, and caring for your roses after planting, you can enjoy beautiful blooms and fragrant flowers in your garden.

Choosing the suitable types of roses for your Arizona garden, such as English Roses, Queen Elizabeth roses, and grandiflora roses, can help ensure their success and longevity.

Following the tips and advice in this article, you can create a beautiful and thriving rose garden that will bring joy and beauty to your outdoor space for years to come.

We hope this article has been informative and helpful in your gardening journey. If you have any thoughts, questions, or tips about planting roses in Arizona, please leave them in the comments below!

Good luck and Happy Planting!

XO, Christine

christine mathews

I’ve been keeping it real since 1963. 🙂

I’m a child of God, a wifey, mama, grandma, full-time creative, domestic engineer, and self-care enthusiast.

I am obsessed with all things makeup and skincare and love getting my hands dirty out in the garden, my art room, or in the kitchen, whipping up something yummy for the fam.

I’m always down to chat and love collaborating with other creatives and brands alike!

Feel free to reach out anytime!

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